My thoughts
There was news footage on 24 News about dead cubs in a freezer that caused me to ask my wife what her thoughts were about Wat Pa Luangtabua Yannasampanno. A place that we were both familiar and fond of. She replied, "It is a temple. It is not right that the Monk use it to make money or kill the tiger. The temple is supposed to be in conjunction with nature. And the Monk are not supposed to kill a life."
I do not believe many of the stories that by way of persistent campaign has brought about the downfall of the Tiger Temple and I expect the NGOs response will be 'the end justifies the means'. It does not. But what a sad outcome. My only remnant of this sorry saga is a friendship with my adversary because we both suffered abuse in trying to get our message out there. But what made it go the way it did?
They were driven to it and that is why I have left some of the old evidence on my website.
Even so, my wife is right.